Final analysis
Well it took a long time and was very frustrating at times but i am pleased with the final outcome. I have deffinately learnt alot from this project and looking forward to visiting this subject again next year. My folder i kept everything in could be a little more organized but i should of done that right from the start instead of part way through. Its interactive and i tried new thing than the last one i did and it was good to just do what ever. Learning actionscript was something I was really wanting to do but glad I learnt a bit of it as it helped my site alot. Would definately say its a step up from my last site hope my mark is just as good. So yea that my self promotional website. Peace out looking forward to my holiday and going boarding in Queenstown. peace out

This is the design layout you click on the buttons and it kind of cocks the next picture in a slide show kinda hard to explain this page is all about the animation and what i would like to achieve and the standard im at the moment.

This is my general drawing page just got an image of my drawing and explains what it is all about also has figure drawings and also my silkscreen all treated the same

This is my new addition to my interests and hobbies. This gear I actually went and bought and this season is looking very promising indeed. I have been up heaps of time before just decided it was time to actually buy my own gear. Got a big queenstown boys trip coming up for winter fest. Its gonna be off the chain.

This is my bio page. Pretty much talks about what makes me tick like most bio's on yourself do so yeah. Same design treatment

This intro page that allows you to enter the site. a movie plays up until this point and then you go in and experience the design of this website.
Action scripting
Action script is a pain in the arse if you dont get one thing right it doesnt work. Many of times its because of the smallest thing I have manged to figure it out though mostly through trial and error. But yeah sites coming along good should have been posting every step on this blog but I have done a bit of a work book so i should be alrite for working process.
Meet Mr Sluggy

Just a simple slug Ive made up and turned into a simple attraction to my site. An element I havn't explored before and rather enjoying. Have created him in a flip book sense which meant I had to do a lot of drawing in different poses.
Project two FLASHED BASED WEBSITE Digital4
My proposal for 50% of the second Digital 4 Flashed based website, is to create a fun interactive way of self promotion myself via website design and some of the other Design areas in which I am interested in. It will also have a bit of a bio and maybe a little about one of my interests
Main features
- The intro will have a small animation in which I will create and I was orignally going to take this throughout my intire site but due to time issues this might not actually be possible.
- The design of each page will be interactive as Im using flash and will make the site more interesting than just plane old Dreamweaver. Menu will move or do something Im not sure yet could be just a movie intro.
- Basically have some of my work from some other projects such as general drawing silkscreen and figure drawing along with my interests in animation and other hobbies.
- We pretty much have free range on what we can do and don't really have any limits so it should be fun to see what the end product will be