Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Project two FLASHED BASED WEBSITE Digital4

My proposal for 50% of the second Digital 4 Flashed based website, is to create a fun interactive way of self promotion myself via website design and some of the other Design areas in which I am interested in. It will also have a bit of a bio and maybe a little about one of my interests

Main features

- The intro will have a small animation in which I will create and I was orignally going to take this throughout my intire site but due to time issues this might not actually be possible.

- The design of each page will be interactive as Im using flash and will make the site more interesting than just plane old Dreamweaver. Menu will move or do something Im not sure yet could be just a movie intro.

- Basically have some of my work from some other projects such as general drawing silkscreen and figure drawing along with my interests in animation and other hobbies.

- We pretty much have free range on what we can do and don't really have any limits so it should be fun to see what the end product will be


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